Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yummy Honey

Well it is harvest season at last  and the first lot of extraction is done. The first lot was from Hatton Road, the Honey frames are uncapped and loaded in to a centrifugal extractor and then with my new motor is spun at high speed and it runs down the side of the tank when it is full it is passed into a honey tub through a sieve to remove any large pieces of wax etc.
The uncapped honey frame (uncapping is done by slicing the caps of with a hot knife)
The Uncapped frames are placed in the extractor and spun at high speed  (in this extractor the frames do need to be turned over)
Once the honey tub has been allowed to stand and you take a drop to asses the water content of the honey the sample is placed in a refractometer and checked that the water content is below 20% (this year it has been 18%) this insures that the honey wont ferment.  Then it is put in to a settling tank this passes it through another two filters, one is a fine fabric mesh made out of a nylon curtain I bought at a market in Turkey, this process remove any fine granules of wax and debris.
The Honey is allowed to settle in this tank and is then bottled.
That is really the entire process there is no other treatment done to the honey it is that natural.
This year we have 227g and 340 g jars available
We have also available jars with natural honeycomb as an added extra

Round 2 starts with The Snakey Lane Honey

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