Tuesday, March 8, 2011

spring has sprung.......for the moment

the bulletin boards are buzzing with bee talk......... spring has sprung... for the moment

 I can all change with the wind. Since my last blog I can announce that my bees are buzzing and the Uxbridge bees were bringing in plenty of pollen ( I think they have re-discovered the local garden centre but there are plenty of local plantings of early blooms and crocus in the parks which is a real plus). The Hatton Road  bees have found some nice early pollen and the daffodils are all bobbing in the breeze and I am sure there is early blossom in the old orchards. I am sure that the bees in Snakey lane will be all visiting the garden centre next door. It is still a time of trepidation as they may be bringing in pollen but a lot of early flowers are not great producers of nectar and bee-keepers will be lifting their hives to judge the amount of food remaining in the hive. I will towards the end of this week do exactly that and I will give them some light syrup to help things along if they need it. It would be lovely to get a really nice day where I feel confident that I could open the hive and have a look.
So if you are thinking about a garden do the bees a favour and include some early blooms to help them on their way
The picture is from Simon Croson a fellow bee-keeper from Lincolnshire 
who has some wonderful photos on his website

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