Today looks like a it will be a spring day so I will travel around to check the hives, it will hopefully be sunny and get up to 14C, and spring flowers are starting to show so I hope to see bees carrying pollen (protein) on their back legs to feed the Queen.
Last night I spent an enjoyable evening at the last of my General Bee Husbandry study group unravelling the mysteries of Queen introduction (not gay bar style introduction, but surprisingly similar in having the right queen at the right time). There are many reasons that you would want introduce a new Queen to your colony most of which are to do with a general breeding program and colony temperament and and queen failure (the queen does get old and tired and fails to lay viable eggs).
The great revelation of the evening was an understanding of Snelgrove and the Snelgrove method of swarm management it is quite complicated to get your head around, but when you lay it out and map the procedure it becomes surprisingly simple, so be warned my training groups, you will be trained in Snelgrove in 2011
and after finding Snegrove boards available at £8 each on-line it will be a inexpensive option.